Vesak Day an International Day of the World
Why is Vesak Day an International Day of the World?
The Origin of World Peace
Everyone wishes to live in a world of peace and happiness. Peace is very precious to all human beings.
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th Generation
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th generation
Change the World :- Eric Levine ... WoW
Eric Levine ... the owner of California Fitness WoW He is wow because he is another one who wants to change the world to be peaceful.
The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- The Letter from the Hill Tribe Teacher
A lovely letter written from a Karen student to Khunkru Maiyai. She and her friends are happy to join this project.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Living in an Amenable Location (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Blessing Four: Living in an Amenable Location.
รุ่งอรุณแห่งความหวัง ณ ดินแดนพุทธภูมิ
โครงการบวชอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาแก้ว ประเทศอินเดีย ครั้งที่สอง เพื่อฟื้นฟูพระพุทธศาสนาในดินแดนพุทธภูมิ ให้เฟื่องฟูเหมือนย้อนยุคพุทธกาล
The Place of Supreme Truth
In Buddhist Philosophy, the Middle Way and the Dhammakaya are absolutely united. The Middle Way is the way that acts like a certain thread sewing earth, heaven and nibbana
Change the World :- Israel
Change the World in Israel. The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh has sent his disciples to make world peace in Israel. What is the their first start?
International Dhammadayada Ordination Program
By ordaining, you have the precious opportunity to live in an environment free of the boundaries of daily life, spend time with yourself, and purify your mind through meditation.